Monday, 23 July 2018

Gratitude List

Things I'm grateful for this month:

The hot weather (although I have struggled a bit adjusting to the heatwave!)
Ice cream at the park and beach
Going to the Black Rabbit pub in Arundel
New series/season of Bring It! showing in the UK (Mondays at 9pm on Lifetime)
New penpals
Skin-on fries (have had them while out and at home recently)
Having a meeting at Alcampo Lounge in Brighton with my belly dance group

Monday, 2 July 2018

Feeling Your Emotions- Sadness and Depression (Part 1)

This is the next post in my Feeling Your Emotions series. It follows on from Anger- Part 1 and Anger- Part 2. You can read the Introduction post here:

Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor, so if you're having mental/physical issues please seek medical help in addition to reading this. :)

Note: It's taken me a while to write this, I think like with anger, it's not a particularly easy subject. As with the Anger posts, I've decided to break it into two parts. This post will focus on sadness and depression in general, and the 2nd part will look into healing and what you can do to feel better in general.

I've titled this post "Sadness and Depression" because I believe they're different in the way that sadness is a natural state that everyone feels at some point in their life, whereas depression is more of an intense, prolonged sadness and it's classed as a mental health condition. I've also heard depression described as "anger turned inwards". So I'm looking at them both. For more on the differences you can read these articles:

Update 4/11/19: This post explains it well: