We're at the end of 2017. Christmas and the end of the year always seem to come round quickly to me! It doesn't seem that long since I wrote my Reflections post but it was 7 months ago. Now that it's the last day of the year I thought it would be helpful to reflect on how 2017 has been and release it. (I started writing this a few days ago but it's now New Year's Eve!).
Note: This is assuming you're following the Western yearly calendar. I know other cultures have different calendars (such as the Chinese one), and I also follow the Wheel of the Year and with that New Year was Samhain (around Hallowe'en), so I also did some reflection then. You could just do your own reflecting and releasing whenever feels best to you. :)
While I love Christmas, I don't like New Year so much. I've never done as much for that. And I find the time after New Year depressing because all the excitement is over and we've still got most of winter and cold weather to go. I tend to take a while to "settle in" and adjust to the new year. But I think that rather than pushing myself to be different, I should just try to accept how I am and go gently. So if you're not in a really happy, positive mood either, don't be hard on yourself. :)
2018 is a universal 11/2 year in numerology. 2017 was a "1" year which was about new beginnings and 2018 is supposed to be about lessons/insights, love and relationships. 11 is a "master number". I don't follow numerology really closely but I find it interesting to read about the universal year and my personal year number. (I've forgotten what my new one for 2018 will be, I'll check later).
You can read more here: https://consciouslifenews.com/2018-numerology-forecast-112-universal-year-lesson-taughtlessons-learned/11146485/#
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