Monday 23 May 2022

Law of Assumption- An Alternative Way of Manifesting

A few months ago, I wrote about how to believe in your dreams (something I have been struggling with myself). It's called How to REALLY Believe (LOA) and you can read it here:

In that post I briefly talked about the Law of Assumption. While I've been interested in the Law of Attraction for about 12 years, I don't know much about the Law of Assumption. I've come across mention of it before, but only started hearing more about it last year. 

In this post I'm going to take a closer look at the Law of Assumption. If you've been struggling to manifest by using Law of Attraction techniques, you might find it helpful to try an alternative. I will also be referencing the Law of Attraction a bit in this post.

Note: Since I'm used to writing "LOA" for the Law of Attraction, I'll refer to the Law of Assumption with its full title for this post. 

Update 14/11/23: I've replaced and removed some links.

For more on the Law of Attraction, visit these posts:

Law of Attraction (basic intro):

LOA Round-up:

LOA 2.0:


Extra note: I also just wanted to say that if you have mental health issues (which I do), you should approach both the Law of Attraction and the Law of Assumption with caution, as it will not be helpful to worry that you have "caused" bad things to happen in your life. I have written a couple of posts on manifesting and mental health which you can find by clicking here and here.



The Law of Assumption was developed by Neville Goddard and the basis behind it is that whatever you assume to be true, is true. What you assume becomes your reality. And so, to manifest you "assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled". This sounds similar to "acting as if".  

A lot of people seem to get into the Law of Assumption after struggling with "traditional" LOA and I've seen people online saying they've had more success after following the Law of Assumption. I'm still new to it, so this is a "starter" post. :)

In the How to REALLY Believe post I shared a few links with some basic info on the Law of Assumption. Here are a couple of them again:

How To Use The Law of Assumption in 3 Steps:

Background on the Law of Assumption and how to use it when (the other) LOA isn't working (Summer Monae video):


And here is a basic introduction: 


I hadn't actually read any of Neville's books but I just read Feeling Is The Secret. It's available as a free text in the public domain and you can download it here:

While there are blog posts and videos based on his teachings, it's a good idea to read his work too, to get the basics. :)

You can also find a Neville Goddard text archive here:

This site has an FAQ explaining the basics of Law of Assumption and common terms:

I found it through the YouTube channel The Manifesting House (now called Maleeka, is my guardian angel).


Now I'm going to go over some terms you will commonly hear used in relation to the Law of Assumption. (Also see the Imagination is Life post linked above.) I don't think I can cover everything in this post, so I'll probably do another one later.


Self Concept

Self concept is basically your concept of yourself, who you believe you are and what you're capable of. I talked about something similar in the Expanding your idea of what is possible section, in my How to REALLY Believe post. You might have a certain idea of what is possible for you based on your previous life experiences and concept of yourself.  

So, working on self concept involves expanding your concept of yourself. This may not necessarily be easy, since I think there are other factors influencing things. For example, I've previously mentioned how something like believing in good things and that they are possible for you may be difficult, depending on your personal circumstances. If you're experiencing things such as illness, discrimination/racism, money issues and/or just feeling trapped in a cycle, believing that things can change for the better can be very hard. 

For more on starting to believe in good things, check out the belief post at the link above, or click here. You may also find this post about feeling more positive useful:


Here is a post explaining self concept:

Lorena Schuth had a good in-depth post about self concept and other blog posts but they all appear to have been taken down. She still has videos on YouTube though. Here is one on self concept:

I learn best by reading information (so prefer blog posts and books) but videos can be helpful too. I'll include a mix of both in this post, so you can choose which appeals to you (or both!). :)  


Here are some videos:

Leeor Alexandra video with an intro on self concept:

Here is a video from Sammy Ingram where she goes deeper into the subject of self concept:

Hyler video on how to improve self concept:


Some things to think about are: 

Who do you want to be?

How do you want other people to see you?

How do you want to experience the world?  


Here is a video from Maleeka, is my guardian angel (formerly The Manifesting House) about assuming through self concept:


Circumstances Don't Matter

This is a phrase that you will often come across when learning about the Law of Assumption. The idea is that your current circumstances don't matter because they can be changed. This is something that can be hard to get your head around (at least it is for me!), especially if you're in a place where you're struggling right now. You could also be dealing with things like I mentioned in the self-concept section- illness, being treated badly by others, lack of money etc. In that case circumstances probably feel like they very much do matter.

I think that it might be best to not go "overboard" with this. Like I've said in the past, concepts like "act as if" (see the Living in the end section below, for more on that) run the risk of encouraging people to be delusional. E.g. I would not advise people to "act as if" they're rich by spending all their money when they're in debt! So, with "circumstances don't matter", I think we need to acknowledge that while our current circumstances are real, they can be changed. (And that can often be one of the hardest things to believe.)

Or at least some of them can, there are certain things (such as some physical and mental disabilities) that I don't believe can actually be changed, at least not in this current reality.* This post explains it well:

It's Law of Attraction rather than the Law of Assumption, but it resonates with me, so I thought I'd share it. If I come across a Law of Assumption post or video addressing this, then I'll update the post.

Anyway, I hope that makes sense, I'm still learning about it myself. :) 

*I realise this doesn't tie in with the Law of Assumption theory of being able to change anything by believing and assuming it, but it's what I currently resonate with. I feel I have to be honest about what I believe (I may change my belief in the future!).

Here is a post about the concept:

Laura, the blogger, says that circumstances don't matter because they are a reflection of your old thoughts. 

Update 14/11/23: The site above is gone but here are a couple more posts: .

Dylan James has a good explanation (short video):

He focuses specifically on relationships but has good information that can be applied to other things too. :)  


If you are finding this one hard, here is a post I wrote a few months ago called When You've Been Down for Too Long:

It's about feeling down/depressed and that you've been stuck in the same sitatuation (or circumstances) for too long. 

Mental diet

A mental diet is about watching your thoughts and thinking positive thoughts instead of negative ones. Positive thinking is something I've been working on for years (before I came to know about LOA).

I do think it's wise to be aware of "toxic positivity" where you just focus on being happy and bury your other feelings. I've briefly mentioned this in my Feeling Your Emotions-Happiness (Part 1) post.

In fact, my Feeling Your Emotions series (which the happiness post linked above is part of), is all about taking a look at different emotions, whether they're considered "good" or "bad". You can read the intro post here:

And find all posts to date under the FYE label:


Affirmations are used as part of a mental diet. For more on them, check out these posts:

My post about affirmations (LOA):

Affirmations and why are they so important? (Law of Assumption):


And here are a couple of posts about mental diet:


And some videos:

Mental Diet for Manifesting (Sammy Ingram):

how to improve your MENTAL DIET (Manifesting with Marissa):

mental diets & what you should be thinking (Hyler):

Living in the end

If you're interested in/have been studying the Law of Attraction you will likely have heard the phrase "act as if" before, which means to act as if your dream life is already here. I've also heard "be as if". When it comes to the Law of Assumption you will hear about "living in the end". This is about already living in the end state where your desire has been fulfilled, similar to "acting as if" in LOA.

Acting as if is a concept that took me a while to understand but then it clicked in a bit more. I wrote a post about it a few years ago, which you can read here:

The Imagination is Life FAQ linked above summarises living in the end well.  


Visit these links for more about living in the end:

Basic explanation:

What is Living In The End? (Sammy Ingram video):

Focus to make yourself believe:

Living in The End: The State of the Wish Fulfilled:


There are more terms such as SP (a Specific Person that you want to manifest, usually as a romantic partner), EIPYO (Everybody Is You Pushed Out, basically everyone else is a reflection of you and what you believe), SATS (State Akin to Sleep, visualising your desired result while in a sleep like state) and revision (mentally revising an event that didn't go how you wanted it to), but I will wrap it up here, since this post is already quite long! I will probably expand more on them in the future, as I learn more myself. For now, see the Imagination is Life FAQ linked above for more information. :) 


Summing it up/End Thoughts

In conclusion, the Law of Assumption seems to be more based on the strength of belief than the Law of Attraction. (So, if belief is something you struggle with, as I do, it may not be that easy for you at first.) With LOA you also have to believe, but it's about "vibrations" and lining up with things outside of you as well. You attract experiences into your life based on your thoughts and vibrations and you can line up with the universe/Source/God (or whatever you want to call it, aka "a force" outside of us), to change your life for the better. Then you have to "receive" your desire/s and there is a lot of talk of letting go to receive.

Whereas with the Law of Assumption, the idea is that everything comes from within you. You are "God" and there is nothing outside of yourself to line up with.  Everything you assume to be true, is true. At least that is my understanding so far. Visit this post for more on the differences:

With LOA you're taught that "you create your own reality". However, I think it's actually more like a "co-creation", especially because if something's not manifesting, some people say the timing just wasn't right, maybe you weren't meant to have it etc. But if we create it all, we should be able to have the things we want and we should be able to decide the timing. 

This is partly why many people have got frustrated with the Law of Attraction and moved onto the Law of Assumption, I think. (Although if you're looking at in the sense of a universal law, you can't really "give up" on it, but I mean using manifesting techniques based on it.) When you first discover LOA, it can feel so exciting and inspiring, especially if you've been having a hard time. But then if you struggle to see results, you can start to feel jaded with it all. I also believe that books such as The Secret have oversimplified it and glossed over certain parts. From my understanding based on studying manifesting (with the Law of Attraction):

  • We are "co-creating" with some "force" outside of ourselves
  • Worthiness/self-belief has a lot to do with really believing your dreams can come true (which relates to self concept in the Law of Assumption)
  • It does work, there is something that exists that enables you to "manifest", whether you call it that or magic (another thing I'm interested in), or something else
  • Everyone is not in equal situations and some of us may find it harder to manifest our desired changes than others, depending on our blocks, personal circumstances etc. (don't beat yourself up about this, some things are not your fault)


Please note that these are just my beliefs, other people have different views. I'm not an expert. The last point about some things not being your fault may contradict the "You attract everything" belief, but it's never entirely felt right to me because it can seem like "victim blaming". Some things are because of choices we made (i.e. I left school early and I lost touch with my friends), others (such as disabilities, illness, discrimination etc.) aren't. Also, I left school due to depression and I don't believe mental health conditions are choices (although we can make a choice to work on managing our thoughts and feelings). Unless of course you're looking at it from the viewpoint of us choosing all our experiences before we're born, but I'm not able to cover that here and I'm not sure how much I believe it!

I do agree that sometimes we may be on a certain vibration and it can attract things into our life (like if we're in a "fear" or an "anger" vibration we may be more likely to experience or notice more things that make us afraid or angry). However, even if we are, I never think that we should blame ourselves. It's just not helpful. If we see our patterns than we can work on changing them, while having compassion for ourselves. I would actually recommend the book Positive Magic by Marion Weinstein if you're interested in these things and other concepts like karma and reincarnation. She was a witch and didn't actually follow the Law of Attraction or the Law of Assumption, but the positive magic referenced in the book has some of the same principles.*

The Law of Assumption offers a different way to look at manifesting, which I'd like to explore more in the future. So this is an introductory post.


Extra section

I also wanted to add a couple more links:

LOA has more techniques, so it seems more complicated in that way. There are some Law of Assumption techniques though, here's a good post about it:

And if you're having a hard time with manifesting using the Law of Assumption, check out this post:

Hope you liked the post! :) What has been your experience with the Law of Assumption and/or the Law of Attraction?


*I heard about the book through Deborah Blake who is also a witch. That's where I first heard about Marion's Words of Power, which is similar to manifesting. I recommend Deborah's books as well, if it's your kind of thing. :)


Photo: Lancing Beach. Moonsparkle 2022.

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